
Tutorials and blog posts on various open-source software topics, programming and software engineering tools, and much more.
22 posts
How To Setup Ghost Blog CMS With Docker public
Selfhosted 3 min read

How To Setup Ghost Blog CMS With Docker

Ghost Blog Platform was created to make it easier for individual bloggers and web publishers to write blog articles and publish their blog content online. Let's jump in and set up Ghost Blog CMS with docker.…
Chad Crouch
Chad Crouch
11 Top Opensource Replacements For Discord public
Software 5 min read

11 Top Opensource Replacements For Discord

Although Discord is very popular, there are several reasons some people don't want to use it e.g. it cannot be self-hosted. Today's article presents you with a list of viable opensource alternatives that offer all the features found in Discord and more.…
Divine Okoi
Divine Okoi
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